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Blog Archive

3 Benefits of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Jul 8th, 2024

Your heart features four valves that make sure blood flows smoothly through your heart and lungs, picking up oxygen to deliver throughout your body. And the entirety of your blood — about 6 quarts — makes this journey three times every minute.  So, an issue in one of your valves...

What an Echocardiogram Can Tell Us About Your Heart Jun 23rd, 2024

Consider this: Nearly half of Americans have some type of cardiovascular disease (CVD). From hypertension and high cholesterol to heart failure and valvular disorders, cardiovascular diseases can strike in many ways, and they’re all cause for concern from where we stand. As a board-certified cardiologist, Dr. James Kim is well...

Why Is High Blood Pressure Bad? May 17th, 2024

Each time you go into a doctor’s office, the odds are good that the visit starts with a blood pressure reading. There are some very good reasons why we monitor this important and vital statistic, and we want to share some of those here. All too often we’re told that...

Why We're So Concerned About Cholesterol Apr 15th, 2024

It's been drilled into us that we need to watch our cholesterol, but what does that mean exactly? Why does it seem like cholesterol is enemy No. 1 when it comes to heart health? What is cholesterol, and is it all bad? At our practice, board-certified cardiologist Dr. James Kim...

What Can I Expect During a Stress Test? Mar 14th, 2024

It’s a good rule of thumb in life to find ways to reduce stress, which can greatly benefit your health and wellness. So why are we going to purposefully introduce a little bit of physical stress into your life through a stress test? Quite simply, this type of screening can...

Can Chest Pain Be Related to Acid Reflux, or Is It Something More Serious? Jan 16th, 2024

Considering that someone has a heart attack in the United States every 40 seconds and heart disease is the leading cause of death in our country, you have every right to be concerned about this serious event. While chest pain is one of the hallmarks of a heart attack, this...

Could I Have an Arrhythmia and Not Know It? Dec 7th, 2023

Your heart is, arguably, the hardest-working muscle in your body — it beats 60-100 times per minute, 100,000-110,000  times in one day, and about 35 million times per year. Under ideal circumstances, these heartbeats keep a steady rhythm to deliver oxygenated blood to your body. For up to 5% of...

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Treat Hypertension Nov 14th, 2023

If, like nearly half of adults in the United States, you have high blood pressure, you’ve likely heard what you need to do — exercise more, lose weight, and eat healthier. While it takes only a few words to convey these recommendations, making these lifestyle changes is no small feat. ...

Tips for a Good Recovery After Your Cardiac Catheterization Oct 2nd, 2023

Installing a pacemaker, replacing a valve, diagnosing heart disease — these are just some of the uses of cardiac catheterizations, which are among the most performed cardiac procedures in the United States — about 1 million per year. If you’re scheduled for a cardiac catheterization with board-certified cardiology specialist Dr....

4 Tips for Living With Heart Disease Sep 6th, 2023

Heart disease. Hearing these words is never easy, but we also want to point out that they don’t necessarily signal a point of no return. You can make adjustments to safeguard your health and prevent or slow your heart disease from becoming life-altering or life-threatening. If you want to join...

Adjusting to Life With a Pacemaker Aug 1st, 2023

We’ve implanted a pacemaker (or we’re going to very soon) and you’re wondering what life will look like afterward. Hopefully, it will be full of improvements as we restore a regular rhythm to your heart, which is why up to 3 million Americans are living with pacemakers. At our practice, Dr. James Kim and...

3 Chronic Conditions That Can Cause Heart Palpitations Jul 12th, 2023

Your heart feels like it skips a few beats when you’re scared, or it races after your second cup of coffee. These are examples of perfectly normal and harmless heart palpitations.  If you experience ongoing heart palpitations, however, and you can’t pin down the cause, it might be time to...

Itchy and Swollen Lower Legs? It Could Be a Vascular Issue Jun 6th, 2023

As if the swelling in your lower legs wasn’t concerning enough, you’ve developed an annoying itch in the areas that are puffy.  You’re probably correct in assuming that the two are related and, as cardiovascular experts, we’re going to go a step further and say the odds are fairly good...

When to Be Concerned About Chest Pain May 18th, 2023

The classic heart attack visual is someone clutching their chest, and there’s a good deal of truth to this. That said, heart attacks, which occur every 40 seconds in the United States, aren’t the only causes of chest pain. To get straight to the question of when to be concerned...

5 Lifestyle Habits That Can Improve Cholesterol Levels Apr 5th, 2023

The collective heart health of our population is worrisome — about half of adults in the United States have at least one of the three biggest risk factors for heart disease: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking.  Considering that heart disease is the leading cause of death in our country, it’s very...

What an Echocardiogram Can Reveal About Your Heart Mar 14th, 2023

Just as orthopedists rely on an X-ray to determine whether you’ve broken a bone, cardiologists have a few critical diagnostic imaging tools in their arsenals, starting with the echocardiogram. Nearly half of adults, an alarmingly large amount, have cardiovascular disease in the United States. This prevalence also means we need to...

The Importance of Detecting and Controlling High Blood Pressure Feb 17th, 2023

As cardiovascular experts, Dr. James Kim and our team feel that we should pay attention to our heart health every month. That said, February is American Heart Month in the United States, and we want to do our part to address a very important, and common, issue — hypertension. Almost...

When You Shouldn’t Ignore Shortness of Breath Jan 16th, 2023

You run up a flight of stairs or race down the street after a loose dog, and you find yourself gasping for air. This shortness of breath is temporary and well earned after your physical exertion.  However, when shortness of breath comes on for no reason or it’s present more...

All About A-Fib: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment Options Dec 12th, 2022

Every minute, your heart should beat 60-100 times so it circulates oxygenated blood throughout your body. And this heartbeat should keep a steady rhythm. When you have an abnormal rhythm in your heart, which is called an arrhythmia, complications can develop. The most common type of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation...

Tips to Recover Quickly From Your Cardiac Catheterization Nov 9th, 2022

Thanks to modern technology, we’re able to perform some fairly extensive cardiac procedures and diagnostics using only a catheter that we insert into a major blood vessel to access your heart.  This minimally invasive approach to heart health has been a game-changer in terms of recovery, but there are still...

The Biggest Risk Factors When It Comes to Heart Disease Oct 13th, 2022

There’s no shortage of frightening numbers regarding cardiovascular health in the United States, starting with the fact that nearly half of Americans have heart disease. Instead of focusing on that alarming number, we want to focus on a more productive one — 90% of heart disease is preventable. When it comes to preventing...

Why You Might Need an Echocardiogram Sep 7th, 2022

Just as orthopedists rely on the X-ray for preliminary diagnosis, cardiologists turn to the echocardiogram (or echo, for short). This workhorse is a front-line tool for diagnosing a host of cardiovascular conditions and evaluating the function of your heart. Like all heart health experts, Dr. James Kim, who is board-certified...

Here's How to Prepare for Your Stress Test Aug 8th, 2022

It’s all well and good to evaluate your cardiovascular system while you’re sitting in our offices, but putting your body through its paces provides us with more valuable information. To do this, we place you on an exercise machine and administer a stress test, during which we monitor your cardiovascular activity....

5 Complications That Stem From Hypertension Jul 12th, 2022

Every time you walk into a doctor’s office, someone measures your blood pressure as a matter of course. Medical providers are so concerned with this information because hypertension, or high blood pressure, places you at a greater risk for developing some very serious, and even life-threatening, conditions.  To underscore this...

What Women Should Know About the Link Between Hormonal Changes and Heart Palpitations Jun 6th, 2022

True to their name, your reproductive hormones largely govern your reproductive system, but these tiny chemical messengers can cast a wide net and affect everything from your mental health to your cardiovascular health. Hormone-related heart palpitations are one example of that range. If you feel like your heart is racing, pounding, or...

How Compression Stockings Can Treat Your Leg Swelling May 3rd, 2022

Your legs routinely swell, and even become achy after you spend some time on your feet, and you want to put that spring back in your step. You’ve heard that compression stockings may be able to help, and you want to know more. To shed some light, cardiologist Dr. James...

Small Steps Toward Improving Your Heart Health That You Can Take Today Apr 5th, 2022

You need to know about two statistics surrounding the state of cardiovascular health in the United States.  First, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming nearly 700,000 lives each year. Second, 1 in 3 of these deaths is preventable; this is the statistic we want to focus on....

5 Tips for Living With Peripheral Artery Disease Mar 9th, 2022

If you’re one of the 6.5 million people, age 40 or over, in the United States who has peripheral artery disease (PAD), there’s good news and bad. The bad news is that you can’t reverse PAD, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to keep...

How Do I Know If I Have Hypertension? Feb 3rd, 2022

Every time you enter a doctor’s office, one of the first things they do is slide a cuff onto your arm and measure your blood pressure as part of their vitals check.  It would be no exaggeration to say that this quick, easy, and painless cardiovascular assessment tool can save...

Understanding the Different Types of Cardiac Catheterizations Jan 18th, 2022

It would be difficult to overstate the seriousness and prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the United States — nearly half of adults have some form of cardiovascular disease, and heart disease is the nation’s leading cause of death. In our efforts to bring these numbers down, fellowship-trained cardiologist Dr. James...

The Link Between Shortness of Breath and Your Heart Health Dec 12th, 2021

You go out for a run and come back winded, gasping for air. Or, you simply walk from one room to another and you’re breathless. These two examples of shortness of breath are vastly different, and the second of the two might signal a serious heart-related issue. To help you...

The Importance of a Stress Test for Determining Heart Function Nov 11th, 2021

When you want to truly evaluate the function of something, you put it through its paces. This is exactly what stress testing does in evaluating the most important organ in your body — your heart. At James Kim Cardiology, Dr. Kim provides extensive cardiovascular screening to our patients so we...

The Dangers of Hypertension Oct 11th, 2021

Nearly half of adults in the United States have hypertension, or high blood pressure, which means they’re in danger of developing some very serious, and even life-threatening, cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attack and stroke. While our goal isn’t to worry you unnecessarily, Dr. James Kim and our team of...

Should I Be Concerned About My Swollen Legs? Sep 16th, 2021

It’s hot out, you’re pregnant, or you’re on a plane — leg swelling is perfectly normal in these and other circumstances. Ongoing issues with swollen lower limbs and feet, however, could signal a problem with your cardiovascular system. To help you determine whether the swelling in your legs may be...

Recognizing Symptoms of Cardiovascular Issues Aug 15th, 2021

Your cardiovascular system begins with your heart, but then branches out to reach almost every area of your body, which can make it difficult to recognize a problem along this vast network. Still, there are often signs of a brewing problem if you know what to look out for. To...

The Most Common Causes of Heart Palpitations Jul 20th, 2021

You finish climbing several flights of stairs and your heart feels like it’s going to burst out of your chest. It’s a perfectly natural feeling, given the effort. However, ongoing heart palpitations that occur during unexpected moments could be the sign of something more serious. To help you make sense...

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Your Hypertension Jun 22nd, 2021

We’re going to begin with a sobering fact about hypertension so you understand the importance of controlling this condition — high blood pressure is listed as the primary or contributing cause of nearly half a million deaths each year in the United States. Dr. James Kim understands this statistic better...

What to Expect During an Echocardiogram May 20th, 2021

You’re experiencing symptoms that may be heart-related, and we want to take a closer look at the function of this all-important organ using an echocardiogram, or EKG.  While you may be nervous about undergoing a diagnostic test, Dr. James Kim and our team want to assure you that an echocardiogram...

What is HDL (Good Cholesterol), and How Can I Increase Mine? Apr 14th, 2021

Approximately 93 million adults over the age of 20 in the United States have total cholesterol numbers over 200 mg/dL, which is elevated, and 12% of adults have numbers that top 240 mg/dL. Qualifying as having bad cholesterol can mean any number of things, including not having enough “good” cholesterol...

Is Red Meat Bad for Your Heart? Mar 11th, 2021

You tuck into that juicy burger, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you remember that you should watch what you eat when it comes to red meat.  The link between red and processed meats and negative effects on your heart health has been firmly established as a general...

Facts and Myths About Statin Therapy Feb 15th, 2021

When it comes to high cholesterol, the numbers paint a grim picture in the United States. Approximately 93 million adults ages 20 and older have combined cholesterol numbers over 200 mg/dL, and 12% of this same age group have numbers that reach above 240.  Thankfully, more than half of adults...

What to Expect From a Stress Test Jan 19th, 2021

It’s all well and good for us to monitor your heart while you’re sitting in our exam room, but this paints only a partial picture. For example, if you experience cardiovascular symptoms when you’re on the move, we want to evaluate your heart function during these more active moments. To...

Leg Cramps and Swelling May Signal a Vascular Problem Dec 13th, 2020

While swelling in your legs after a long day on your feet is quite normal, as are leg cramps after you exercise, ongoing problems with these symptoms may signal something larger, such as a cardiovascular issue. To help you determine whether there’s any cause for concern, the team here at...

The Link Between Stress and Hypertension Nov 30th, 2020

Consider this: Almost half of Americans have high blood pressure, and only one-quarter have the problem under control. There are many reasons for these staggering numbers, including stress, which is at an all-time high for many of us these days thanks to current events. At James Kim Cardiology, Dr. Kim...

How To Tell if Your Chest Pain Might Be Serious Oct 28th, 2020

There are times when slight pains in your chest occur for various reasons, and they are nothing to be concerned with, but how do you know for sure?  Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that over 7 million people seek attention in an emergency room for...